If you are interested in ecotourism, we recommend you visit Mutatá during the summer, in particular during the dry season, to better enjoy trips and excursions outside of town. We also recommend you visit Mutatá either in Juno, to participate in the feast of the River, or in July, to coincide with the Farmer's Feast.
Climate in Mutatá is warm and humid, with an average annual temperature of 82.4?. The dry season is during January and February, whilst the months with the most rain are May and October.
From COP 56000.00
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From COP 56000.00
We currently do not posses information regarding nightlife in Mutatá.
Location: Carretera Mutatá-Chigorodó
Hours: Unknown
Price: Unknown
Restaurant located in the highway. It functions as a resting point for travelers and offers takeaway food.
Location: Downtown Mutatá
Hours: All day long
Price: Free entrance
Main Plaza of Mutatá, which is decorated by two monuments, one dedicated to motherhood and the other to the craft of wood.
Location: Outside of Dabeiba
Horario: Unknown
Price: Unknown
National Reserve located at the northern part of the Eastern Andean Mountain Range of Colombia. The park’s extension give it very diverse climates, which can be extreme. It includes ecosystems such as andean moors, rainforests and mountain woods. Several rivers, such as the Verde and Esmeralda, originate in the park.
Outside Mutatá
Hours: Unknown
Price: Unknown
Small river near Mutatá. Under its waterfall you can find a natural pool with clear waters which is frequented by tourists looking to relax and to enjoy nature.
It's a filling food, of unbeatable quantity and variety of flavors. The most representative you can taste in Antioquia region. The main feature is that is served in big plates, full of varied food. In a tray like that you can find beans, pork rind, chorizo, rice, fried eggs, avocado, banana and corn cakes. It's a plate as to be satisfied for a while.
A classic among classics. It's prepared frying the garlic and onion for afterwrds add chicken pre-boiled. Then you add paprika and peas with salt and pepper and spices as you like. At the end you add the rice, and your dish is ready to your delight.
the breva is simillar to the fig, but not so sweet. To prepare this dish you make an incision to the brevas and boil them in water for 10 min. During the process you add sugar and lemon drops. After boiling, you cut the fig in two without separating them completely. And then you fill it with arequipe (condensed milk).
One of the most traditional dishes is made of banana, vanilla essence, sugar and milk cream. This plate is put in oven until being a sweet delight for lunch time.
It's a typical Colombian soup, but the preparation is different in each region. When you prepare this substantial soup, you boil various meats and vegetables, seasoned with spices of diverse flavors as cumin and pepper. It's a very nutritional dish with a lot of calories, just ideal if you need to reinstate energies after a long route in Medellin.
Choclo is nothing different but corn, also called chocolo. Arepas are little omelette prepared with ground choclo and put on a banana leaf, and roasted later in a grill. Inside you put white cheese, cut in little strips or ground. Ready succulent plate to taste!
Feasts of the river | (Varies) | Celebration which honors the influence of the river in the lives of its inhabitants. Several cultural activities are hosted, such as, concerts, gastronomical and dance festivals, a Department-wide beauty pageant, and many other activities which generate a festive mood in all the town. |