The route from Neiva to Medellin is at a distance of 402 mi (647 km) and it takes about 12 hours to go across by land. The terrestrial transportation companies Fronteras and Expreso Bolivariano cover this route, providing bus tickets at low-cost rates and with several schedules, to make easier the previous moments of the travel and the travel itself. Medellin is a destination which offers a space unequalled for the visitors, since it's a city with a beautiful landscape of mountains and impressive panoramic views. You can also see old constructions which tell the story of the city and combine a pleasant environment for its people, and it's also exotic because of the nature that surrounds the city. The weather in Medellin is subtropical and has an average temperature of 73 °F (23 °C), besides being monsoon, so we recommend you to take adequate warm clothes and an umbrella to stand the moderate rains that arrive to the city.