The best time to visit Pamplona is during the Holy Week so you will coincide with the feasts and the Choir Music Festival.
Climate in Pamplona is cold and humid. The city has an average temperature of 57.2 °F with moderate rain and strong wind during most of the year.
From COP 54000.00
From COP 104000.00
From COP 30000.00
From COP 74000.00
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From COP 45000.00
From COP 95000.00
From COP 70000.00
From COP 120000.00
From COP 28000.00
Location: Calle Monasterio Velate, 5, 31011
Electronic Music Club located in a futuristic saloon with a central plaza.
Location: Av. de Bayona, 45, 31011
Renowned club that is known for playing latin music. It is popular amongst college student.
Location: Cl. 5
Hours: Unknown
Price: Unknown
Restaurant that specializes in typical colombean food. Has a nice service and a great place.
Location: Cl. 9 #7109
Hours: Unknown
Price: Unknown
Restaurant that specializes in grilled meat, and is renowned for its cowboy style seasoning.
Location: Centro de la Ciudad
Hours: All day long
Price: Free entrance
Main Plaza of the City. It is surrounded by the most representative colonial architecture of the city, like the Cathedral, the Market, the City Hall Palace and the Museum of Modern Art.
Location: Parque Águeda Gallardo
Hours: Until noon
Price: Free entrance
Antigua iglesia del convento de Santa Clara, construida en 1584 por doña Magdalena Velasco, hija del fundador de la ciudad don Ortún Velasco.
Location: Cruce de Carrera 7 y Calle 2
Hours: Unknown
Price: Free entrance
The shrine of the Lord of the Humilladero was built during the first years of the city’s founding. It was at first small and simple, covered by straw. However, it was progressively improved by the locals during the centuries, which included some ambitious architectonic works. The shrine is now home to one of the most valued cultural treasures: the Santo Cristo del Humilladero wood carving, masterwork of Juan Bautista Guzmán.
Location: Cl. 5
Hours: Unknown
Price: Unknown
Creado en base a la labor filantrópica del escultor colombiano Eduardo Ramirez Villamizar. Hoy en día es uno de los centros culturales más importantes del oriente del país. Se exhiben esculturas suyas y obras de artistas como Pedro Nel Gómez, Beatriz González, Enrique Grau, Ana Mercedes Hoyos, Edgar Negret y Omar Rayo.
Location: a 4 horas de Pamplona
Hours: Unknown
Price: Unknown
Great national reserve of flora and fauna which has four distinct natural areas: tropical humid forest, sub-andean forest, bog forest and moor.
Thick soup made from corn, chickpea and beans.
Goat milk that is mixed in a frying pan. It is slow cooked and mixed. Then you add lemon and mix it again. Then the mass is extended upon a tray, you then let it rest and later cut it in small pieces to be served as a dessert.
Feast of the Independence Claim | (Two weeks before June 4) | Also called the Fiestas de Pamplona, this event commemorates the day when Pamplona rebels declared their independence from Spain. A festival is held, with concerts, bullfights, parades and a beauty pageant. |
Holy Week in Pamplona | (Varies annualy) | A very important religious event. Locals decorate the city and make processions during the week. In Pamplona there is also a space for the children to participate. |