Travel tickets are a service that completely change transportation. It made an industry so wide but at the same time so disorganized, had control of how many people were riding on each of the buses. This order not only allowed to have a quantitative control but to understand who were the individuals who travel in each of the routes and why they did it. With the travel tickets several calculations can be made and predict when and how travelers would approach the ticket offices at the terminals looking for their trips.
The travelers understood that they could no longer get on a bus wherever they wanted and that they should do it inside a terminal, where they must have previously bought a travel ticket. This encouraged people who did not have much interest in traveling by bus to do it, as they discovered a new modality that assured them their own seat during the trip, thanks to the purchase of the travel ticket
Sending the passengers to the terminals to buy their travel ticket, created a travel culture in Colombia, which managed to include frequent travelers who had to travel great distances to get to their jobs and sporadic travelers which are those who don't do it often, only on important seasons.
This traveling culture, made journeys much more frequent. A person used to travel on average once or twice a year. At this point, the travel tickets became more important, as they allowed travelers to buy them in advance to ensure that no other passengers took their seats on the bus in the booked date. This also made it easier for Bus Operators to schedule their future trips as they could offer them from previous days instead of having to wait until the date of the trip, where there was a chance that the buses departure with some empty seats.
La industria de los buses en Colombia fue avanzando poco a poco. Primero eran camperos que transportaban a gente de un pueblo a otro, luego llegaron los buses, con el tiempo llegaron las empresas de bus, posteriormente los terminales para vender los pasajes terrestres. Cada avance fue revolucionario en su momento, tanto que ahora resulta impensable concebir el negocio de los buses sin ninguna de las anteriores. De esta misma forma llegó la tecnología que ofreció nuevas opciones de viajar comprando los pasajes terrestres a través de páginas web y aplicaciones.
Como todo avance, la tecnología llegó para mejorar el sistema de venta de pasajes terrestres al darle más opciones para poder adquirirlos. Por ejemplo, la plataforma de redBus permite conocer en tiempo real qué empresas van al destino seleccionado y así poder comparar qué horario de los que ofrecen es el más indicado para viajar. También se puede contrastar cada uno de los servicios a bordo que ofrece cada uno de los buses para así escoger un transporte lo más cómodo y agradable posible. Adicionalmente, se pueden ver todos los precios para que el usuario escoge el que mejor se acomode a su presupuesto de viaje.
Todas estas comparaciones para conseguir el pasaje terrestre más adecuado, se puede hacer desde cualquier computador, celular o tablet. Y por si fuera poco, en redBus se puede pagar por los tiquetes terrestres hasta con 9 métodos de pago diferentes, entre los que sobresalen tarjeta de crédito, tarjeta débito, pagos en puntos Vía Baloto, Su Red y Efecty, así como la posibilidad de que un mensajero vaya hasta la casa u oficina de la persona que vaya a viajar recoja el efectivo correspondiente a los pasajes terrestres.
Toda esta serie de beneficios hacen que adquirir los pasajes terrestres sea algo muy sencillo y que la idea de ir a hacer una fila en un terminal sea algo del pasado. Las filas, las congestiones y los tiquetes agotados son algunos de los contratiempos que se pueden ahorrar reservando los pasajes terrestres con tiempo.
To purchase your ground tickets with redBus, follow the steps below:
The advantages are several, all focused on the comfort and safety of the users. These are just some of the advantages and benefits of buying travel tickets with redBus:
• Saving Time
• Comparing Bus Operators, schedules and prices
• Several payment methods
• Security
• Differente discounts
• No more lines
• Reserve travel tickets with time
Saving on the purchase of airline tickets is simple. Using discount codes is a safe and effective option, as well as taking advantage of dates such as Black Friday or other sales seasons. redBus, with offers throughout the year, offers you several options to fit your budget. Stay tuned to their social networks to not miss the best deals!
Buying airline tickets is a wise decision nowadays. Online shopping is more accessible, and improved roads facilitate transportation and trade between provinces. Plus, redBus takes you to destinations that might be difficult to reach by other means, even to remote locations. Make your trip an easy and exciting experience with redBus!