Transportes Sandona or Transsandona is a road transportation company with more than sixty years of experience from the Department of Nariño. Transandona offers the automotive transportation service by road, in the modalities of cargo, passenger, parcel, mixed and special service. Transsandona is at the forefront, putting the safety and well-being of its users as a priority with the services it makes available to it and the constant training of its employees. The quality of their work and strategic alliances have allowed them business excellence, placing Transsandona as a benchmark in the transportation of the South West of Colombia.
☎ Transsandona’s Phone: 3147996910 7300997
Route | Lowest ticket price (*) | Average travel time |
Pasto to Ancuya | $16.000 | 1 hour |
Pasto to Linares | $20.000 | 2 hours |
The prices shown in the table are the prices found for the day 02/02/2024, these prices are modified day by day so they should only be taken as a reference. In addition, the company can modify them without prior notice and they will not be immediately reflected on our website.
It is possible to cancel the ticket by arriving 4 hours before the trip.
The company has buses, minibuses and "chivas" provided by Nissan and Chevrolet.
Transsandona's main routes are:
Telephone: 3147996910 7300997
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